
Tuesday 17 July 2012

ready to change your body looks?

-this entry may seem related to my future career as a dietitian-

Ask yourself, do you really want to change your body looks?. to gain some weights or to loss it. Here are some 'things' that might help you to start with.

1. An extremely high self motivation. This is really crucial in the process of making your desired body because the process may take months or even years to go. Some people have given up early because they think by weeks they can see the changes in their body shapes. This process also may take a really big effort and time to achieve. Make it clear in your mind that you really want to change and i'Allah, you can go through it.

2. Why you have to change your body shape?. First of all, in my opinion, to change your body can be as same as your hobby. Some people going for football, tennis, ping-pong or anything else in the evening. What is the problem if you take that time to change your body?. Go jog or swimming or go to the gym. In addition, it will give benefit to you. It does not mean that you cannot go to those sports anymore, but do it in the other time. Moreover, if you are really good in that specific sports, then it can give benefit for you (for example becoming the representative and make some money from it). If not, it is just same as your hobby. Why dont you take part of that golden time to change your body.

3. The most important thing that you have to ponder before start any gaining weight or losing weight effort, know your body type. Basically, we have 3 body types :-
So, for those who have ectomorph body type, they must have wanted to gain some weight. Similarly, for those who have endomorph body type, they may have wanted to loss some weight.

4. By knowing your body type, you can easily plan for your diet regime and of course for ectomorph, they must increase the calories inside their diet and for endomorph lowering it. That is the basic concept. We will discuss about this later.

5. For ectomorph people :-

  • For your information, I was having this type of body but not anymore. I realized that many of us eating a lot so that we can gain weight, isn't it?. But actually this is really wrong. Ya, you may have gain weight by eating a lot but it is really hard to get and it is unhealthy. So, what is healthy is, try to put on some muscle mass to get mesomorph type of body.
  •    We must understand that our body type means that we have a high metabolism rate and high carbohydrate tolerance (usually rice for Malaysian). So, we have to increase our carbohydrate intake in the beginning of the process (mind you, IN THE BEGINNING).
  •    To put on some muscle mass, increase your protein intake and take supplement like mass gainer if necessary but do not rely on it so much because this is just to help you in your diet. After that, lift weights in the gym or even anywhere (as long as you have weight to lift) to build up and grow the muscle in your body. There are many things related to this and we will talk it later.
  •   Do not forget to drink water a lot because water is a medium for transporting nutrient to the cell in our body and will keep us hydrated. Eat only healthy food during the process.
  •  This is a very rough idea about gaining weight, if you want to know more, you can ask me later and i will try to answer it as far as i know. Peace..!..=)

6. For endomorph people, to basic things that you really want to take in consideration :- 

  •  Your physical activity. For me, there is no other things that really good for you in losing weight other than cardio (joging, brisk walking for those who are too fat or any sports that makes your heartbeat increase and burns the calories). Take a very long time to do physical activity (at least 30 minutes) because for the first 20 minutes of physical activity, our body will rely mostly on carbohydrate for energy. After that, then fat will be used as energy.
  • Your diet. To lose weight is not to not eat at all but to eat wisely. Take a good care of fat inside the food that you eat because fat is really easy to store in your body, plus the store is really big!!.Mind you, you are really prone to get attacked by many diseases. Maybe not today, it will come to you soon. So, take a good care of your body.
  • Again, this is a very rough idea about losing weight, if you want to know more, you can ask me later and i will try to answer it as far as i know. Peace..!..=) 

Note : This entry may have some grammatical errors. These are just some reasons that can change your body shape. Above all, bare in mind this is all with Allah's will. Allah can do whatever he wanted to do to us. Do not forget Allah in everything that we do.

Monday 16 July 2012

(penceritaan ini bukan untuk membangga diri bahkan untuk mengenal anugerah Ilahi

rasanya entry ini juga adalah termasuk dalam entry saya yg pertama tadi. xpala, pak cik2 sy kata "hentam cromok" bermaksud 'mampuih p la' kalu dalam bahasa utara..haha..ok,buat pengetahuan anda smua,sy tidak mempunyai minat yg konkrit pd satu2 benda atau permainan atau apa2 pun. Dsbbkan itulah saya wktu dibgku sekolah dulu pernah mewakili skola untuk :- 

1.skolah rendah
  a. mewakili skolah saya (sk bandar sandakan) dalam pertandingan nasyid dapat tmpt ke-3.
(sbnrnya saya mewarisi kumpulan nasyid skolah rendah tersebut yg diwakili oleh kedua2 kakak sy         sendiri.hehe)

  b. mewakili skolah dalam pertandingan tarian xdapat tempat apa2 pun..cikgu kata dorg xnak bg kitorg menang sbb kitorg adalah juara bertahan slamat beberapa tahun berturut2. ini dibuktikan lagi kerana juri pada pertandingan tersebut smuanya dari skolah yg memenangi pertandingan ini dan kitorg balik awal sbagai protes kepada keputusan juri itu..benar atau tidak, wAllahualam..(kitorg smpai bermalam kat skolah kot smata2 nak menang.siap guru tari kami tu main rotan2 lagi kalu salah..T.T..haha)

2. sekolah menengah..
zaman skolah menengah ini merupakan zaman kegemilangan saya memandangkan sy sperti baru mengenal potensi diri sendri..ahaks..

 a. mewakili skola dalam pertandingan nasyid smpai ke peringkat negeri sabah setelah memenangi peringkat skola2, zon2 dan daerah. sy merupakan solo bersama seorg lagi teman sy bernama syukri.

b. mewakili skola dalam sukan takraw, ping pong, badminton..

c. terpilih mewakili sabah dalam perkhemahan kebgsaan kadet remaja skola stelah disaring dari skolah, daerah dan negeri sabah.

d. mewakili negeri sabah dalam pertandingan nasyid kebangsaan setelah kemarau kejayaan ini slama bertahun2 lamanya..haha..skolah amat berbgga dgn pencapaian ini smpai siap ada banner agi untuk kitorg digantung besar2 kat skolah dan lagu nasyid kitorg (yg kitorg cipta sendiri) sntiasa dimainkan di skolah ketika rehat.

ni la banner yg sy katakan tu..haha
e. slain itu,mcm2 lagi yg sy masuk..pertandingan azan la, baca khutbah la, hafazan la, kuiz2 kimia,physic dan lain2.

dalam masa dua tahun sahaja sy dpt mengumpul sjumlah sijil yg agak bnyk..sbb itulah sy katakan sy baru menemui potensi diri sy pada ketika ini..

penceritaan ini bukan untuk membangga diri bahkan untuk mengenal anugerah Ilahi~

sesi suai-kenal..=)

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuhu.1, 2 , 3 test mic, test mic. ok, let's get started. Nama saya hisyam ( malas nak buat nama pnjg..hehe), berumur 22 tahun (kalu ikut tahun la), berasal dari sandakan sabah negeri di bawah bayu ada gunung kinabalu yang selalu dirindu (hehe). Sebelum mengorak kata lebih jauh, memandangkan sy mempunyai kawan2 dari sabah dan smenanjung, jadi jgn terkejut sekiranya anda membaca entry atau post dlm blog ini sedikit berbunyi melayu, sabah ataupun semenanjung.

(penat jugak buat blog ni ek..haha).ok,berkenaan dgn sy, skrg sedang menuntut di universiti islam antarabgsa malaysia kampus kuantan dalam bidang dietetik. Pada saat ini, baru saja menghabiskan tahun yg pertama di sana.

sepanjang post blog2 ini pada masa akan datang,i'Allah anda akan lebih mengenali tentang saya. malas pulak nak bgtau smua skrg. this is the first!!!..